Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Spring roo Customize Dojo Editor

I wanted to add more extensions to the dojo editor in my spring roo application , below is what I did

IN editor.tagx

I added the required plugins to be added to Editor like below

<script type="text/javascript">

and I added the decoraiton like below

//**Added by sajjad as recomended in

new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : '_${sec_field}_id_', widgetType : 'dijit.Editor', widgetAttrs : {disabled: ${disabled},extraPlugins: ['viewsource','fullscreen']}}));

1 comment:

  1. In order to change the default height of the editor which was taking alot of space in my page I had to include height widgetAttrs to the below line

    Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : '_${sec_field}_id_', widgetType : 'dijit.Editor', widgetAttrs : {disabled: ${disabled}, height : '60px',extraPlugins: ['viewsource','fullscreen']}}));

    It was that easy to do , but took me 2 hours to figure out which is the best place to do that :).
