Friday, February 7, 2020

TDD , Automated Test Development using JUNIT5

Types of automated testing
In general, automated tests fall into one of the following categories, from fastest to slowest:
 Unit tests: These typically test a single method, class, or function in isolation, providing assurance to the developer that their code operates as designed. For many reasons, including the need to keep our tests fast and stateless, unit tests often “stub out” databases and other external dependencies (e.g., functions are modified to return static, predefined values, instead of calling the real database).

Acceptance tests: Humble and Farley define the difference between unit and acceptance testing as, “The aim of a unit test is to show that a single part of the application does what the programmer intends it to....The objective of acceptance tests is to prove that our application does what the customer meant it to, not that it works the way its programmers think it should.”
After a build passes our unit tests, our deployment pipeline runs it against our acceptance tests. Any build that passes our acceptance tests is then typically made available for manual testing (e.g., exploratory testing, UI testing, etc.) as well as for integration testing.
Integration tests: Integration tests are where we ensure that our application correctly interacts with other production applications and services, as opposed to calling stubbed out interfaces.

Kim, Gene. The DevOps Handbook: . IT Revolution Press

We will cover Unit testing using JUNIT5 in this post

Download Junit5 from below link

Unit Testing Using Junit5:
JUnit 5 is the next generation of JUnit. The goal is to create an up-to-date foundation for developer-side testing on the JVM.

Useful Annotations And Classes

This method in test class will be executed before each test case and can be used to prepare data needed to run the test cases.

This annotation will mark a test method as a test case.

This annotation is used to create mock for Services,Repositories etc.

This method initiates all mocks

Mock MVC is utility by spring which helps us test the controllers by initiating HTTP requests.
org.mockito.when (Static)

This static method is used to create mock interections, such as when a specific method of a service is called. An example will be shown later.
This static method is used with the when operation. See the coding example below.
This static method is used to verify that during the execution of test how many times a particular method has been called e.t.c.

Best Practice for writing  test Using BDD Technique
·       Write Test cases using the below pattern
o   Given : A Data Set
o   When : When a function is called
o   Then : what should happen / returned

Examples Of JUNIT5 Test Cases for Controller and Services are given below :

Controller Get Method to Test


public String showRecipe(@PathVariable String id, Model model){

    System.out.println("showRecipe called");

    model.addAttribute("recipe",recipeService.getRecipeById(new Long(id)));

    return "recipe/show";


Below test case has been written using Given,When,Then method.
·       Under Given: we are preparing the data and mock interaction
·       under when : We are calling the Controller service which we want to test.
·       Under Then : we are checking the conditions to verify if the test has been passed or not


void testGetRecipe() throws Exception {


    Recipe recipe=new Recipe();


    MockMvc mockMvc= MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(recipeController).build();









Controller Post method to test
Controller Post Method
public String processCreationForm(@ModelAttribute @Valid Owner owner,Model model,BindingResult bindingResult){
    Owner ownerSaved=;
return "redirect:/owners/" + ownerSaved.getId();

void processCreationForm() throws Exception {
Owner owner=Owner.builder().id(1L).build();


Service Method to Test
Service Method
public void deleteRecipeById(Long recipeId){
log.debug(">>> RecipeServiceImpl.deleteRecipeById method is called");

void testDeleteRecipeById(){
Long idToBeDeleted=1L;
//When , since the delete method returns void we cant have when here but
    // verify that the delete method was actually called


Encourage TDD development in your organization
I have found TDD to be the best way to develop applications as it gives us a prospective of writing the test first and than write the code to pass it. We think like a user first and than coder which gives us a lot of flexibility. Additionally , TDD is the best way to have test coverage for your code as writing tests afterwords is a tedious and boring job for developers. Moreover, having test cases helps you quickly/automatically test your already written code while you are adding new functionality and exponentially reduces the time spent testing manually.
Advantage in CI/CD
Going forward to CI/CD you will be ready to get your code automatically tested using all these test cases you have been writing using JUNIT5 and your future builds will be more reliable and less error pron.

SpringBoot Project on github utilizing Junit5
You can also fork my below github Spring boot project to see Junit5 in action.

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