I am using Internet Explorer 9.
A dynamicaly generated text having a very long line when displayed in a TD in my HTML table mess up the whole width of the TD which basically grows to fit the whole line and doesn't automaticaly wrap text
applying wrap text CSS on TD is not working , The solution was to apply the below style at table level
style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed;"
I didn't even need to apply text wraping to my TDs.
Below Thread was very helpfull
and the solution which worked for me in this thread is copy pasted below
will resolve the expanding cell problem, but will create a new one. IE by default will hide the overflow but Mozilla will render it outside the box.Another solution would be to use:
<table style="table-layout:fixed; width:100px">
<td style="overflow:hidden; width:50px;">fearofthedarkihaveaconstantfearofadark</td>
Since I am using IE I had to only use
style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed;"
for my table.